We come alongside you to understand your people-related challenges...
...then help clarify a path forward with as much support as you need..
Offering strategic and operational consulting, individual and group coaching, in-person and virtual development programs, and professional speaking services.
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Available Services

Coaching: for individuals and groups
Focused expert coaching for individual professionals, managers, and leaders AND for groups.

Need a strategic partner? An operational head chef?
We'll partner with you and any internal resources to meet you where you are and launch you forward.

In-person programs/courses
Cutting-edge professional development in to meet your strategic goals and build capacity and retention. **Including neurodiversity ERG design, practices, and training.

Virtual programs/courses
For individuals or groups, we offer self-paced, high-quality virtual/hybrid learning programs to build skills and mindsets.

Bring in a professional, award-winning, high-content, interactive speaker
For your leadership academy, keynote, breakout session, management retreat, or other meeting
If you’re like most organizations —
- big and small, local, regional, and global, messy and well-established, inefficient and best-in-class
—you struggle with some common issues related to your PEOPLE and PEOPLE SYSTEMS.
Organizations everywhere wrestle with people issues like these:
- underperformance
- underprepared managers and leaders
- shaky leader confidence
- burnout
- workplace bullying
- goofy, inefficient communication practices
- misaligned processes
- conflicting strategies
- confusing messages
- untapped potential of high-achievers and/or neurodiverse staff
- distractions and difficulty focusing
- who to develop, when, and how!

If you could conquer any ONE of the above, what would that be worth to you? How about ALL of them?
Finally FIXING these issues means:
- regaining up to 25% of your lost productivity and time
- sharpening your thinking
- meeting more goals
- smashing your strategic objectives
- promoting prepared staff
- boasting a great workplace culture
- improving your relationships
- getting better sleep
- feeling better, and more confident
It can be daunting to know where to start fixing these issues, and in what sequence. You may want an expert third-party to validate what you think you’re seeing, or to show you a road map for clearing a path forward without the inefficiencies, conflict, and drama you currently spend energy on.
We can zero in on a particular person or unit . . . or we can transform your organizational culture.
We’ll show you how to drive performance smarter, faster, and sustainably. . . . lining up your people strategy with your organizational strategy.
Comments from clients
Hear what they've said
From engineering firm client who participated in our team development programs
“The work we did with WorkingSmarts changed the way we interact with each other as colleagues and profoundly changed the way we interact with our clients. It’s hard to measure the impact their work has had on us so far, because it’s been truly mindset-shifting.”
From Fortune 500 health care client
"WorkingSmarts has deep expertise and gets real-world results with associations, boards, and organizations in energy, technology, natural resources, engineering, government, health care and others. You can count on them."
From a long-term client with whom we’ve done work on leadership development, leadership transition, culture change, and communication
“You don’t get crossed off of my ‘To Call’ list, [Erika] . . . I don’t ever take you off of it!”